
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Degree by degree

So yesterday it started happening; the feeling of boredom. I think that's a good sign. For the first time (maybe it happened before but I don't remember) since surgery I'm able to really think outside myself. I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on the world, starting to feel antsy, starting to feel like I want to get out there more. Today, my friend Diane is coming to take me shopping -- to the market. And I'm thrilled. I mean, really excited. Now, that's a little sad, but it's a big deal -- getting out. . Yesterday was officially four weeks post-op. Honestly, I thought I'd be running around by now. Not yet. I am, however, walking around the house without crutches. It's slow and I have to remind myself to bend with every step. It's still swollen, still hurts and nights are tough. But I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Earlier this week, I got a new physical therapist and she gave me a bunch of really great (and extraordinarily painful ) exercises. Mostly they're all about bending. And straightening. Who knew my life would be about getting straight and getting bent? But that's the major theme. I do these intense exercises three times a day. And in between I do the passive motion machine, which bends and straightens for me. Are you starting to get bored of these descriptions? I am. . .
So, my friends and family have been saving my life. Even though I have hours alone, I also have had tons of visits -- this week alone, Donna and Beth and then Deborah and Ronda had come by for dinner. I've also had lots of calls. I love it all. Even if I don't respond right away. And get well cards and gifts. This is where I get sappy (and right now I'm not really on drugs). But there's really no way for me to adequately thank everyone who has been helping. I wrote up a post with all the specifics but then didn't publish it for fear I'd be leaving someone out. I've had home cooked meals; friends coming over and watching movies and bringing dinner, only to be rewarded with the task of cleaning the litterbox or taking out the trash. I feel so much gratitude. I mean it. Every card; every call; every email makes a difference. And look, this is JUST knee surgery. . . Ironically, I just was interrupted by a call from a friend who was just diagnosed with breast cancer. My sister is also recovering from breast cancer. OK. That's serious. That makes you face your own mortality. But regardless of what one has, it's cliche, but really, having support from friends and family means everything. I just feel lucky -- even blessed. Anyhow, I just wanted to give a quick update because I was feeling like this has been so negative; I want to stress that progress IS being made. Thanks for everything. --Janet

PS if you feel like coming over, just call or email.


Robin said...

Hi Janet, I'd love to come over, but alas, I'm in Portland. A pal I met through Q Center here wants to interview you for the paper here. She's working on a column about injuries, surgery and recovery (I just got the quick take from her). Her name is Maria and I'll point her here to the blog to contact you!

Glad to hear that boredom is a welcome change ... and that you are on the mend.

The Bitch said...

Here I was, feeling debilitated with a newly repaired rotator cuff (Surgery was Feb 6th) on my dominant arm. Your blog is inspiring!I just met Robin and we spoke a bit about your surgery and recovery. I am a special population’s personal trainer, meaning I train people just like you post p/t. I also write a fitness column, and I am very interested in writing about your story, positive attitudes, working with what you got, etc.. I am especially interested because it sounds like you might have the fancy-ass bionic-style rotating platform knees.( I have only trained folks with the crappy uni-planar 10 year model) I am wondering if they have been rated for 20 years use yet, and if you'll be an inch taller after all of this? Many, many questions for you! I'd love to talk in person via phone! I am way less boring than most re-runs. (Next column isn't due for another 2 months.)

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