
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Waiting for the man

Or woman, to be more precise. So, the hazy drug-induced sentimentality of yesterday feels fleeting. Right now, all I want to do is get OUT of pain. Jim's right. Pain and pain meds can really do a number on you. NOW I hear that knee replacement surgery is one of the most painful around. And I believe it. I never thought I'd make a good martyr and obviously, this is proving me out. I talked to my brother last night and he suggested seeing a pain management specialist. I didn't even know that was an option. Maybe I did know that somewhere but whatever part of the brain that information was stashed in apparently has not been accessible to me the past few days. Anyhow, Nancy, the really nice morning nurse, said she's hooked me up with a specialist. I hope to see her soon. Right now I'm eating Percocet and oxycontin (remember -- that's Rush Limbaugh's fav) like candy. And they don't seem to be doing much of anything. Maybe I should save the oxy. I hear it has a high street value. JUST KIDDING. Anyhow, this is a good distraction from pain. I guess what happened is that I bled into the joint -- probably a lot (which is partially why I needed a transfusion). The blood has drained into my shin area and created an ugly black bruise (I won't send pics). It feels like a horse kicked me. I can't get it drained because that creates a risk of infection. So if I can just get through the next few days, I can work on bending it and get me the hell out of this joint.

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