
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

chocolate for ice

Just a quick post; in the hospital, I'm learning the value of things. My ipod = nothing. My walker? that's another story. I've caught two people red-handed trying to swipe my walker. Apparently there are shortages in hospitals. And walkers are among the things of value. Here's the scenario. It's midnight or something and I hear the door open. Some nurses aid looks around. Eyes the walker. Strides over. Me: "What are you doing?" Oh, you, um, don't need that walker, do you?" he says shifty-eyed (ok, I couldn't see his eyes but I KNOW they were shifty) Me: incredulously: "Yeah. I do need it to walk." Him, sounding guilty (at least in my mind) "Oh, OK. No problem." Similar scenario happened last night. Yes, I'm on crutches but the walker is more stable. Jeez. Another thing we can't seem to keep in the room: chairs. My folks come during the day and need a place to sit. And nearly every night they take the chair away. Anyhow, yesterday, I needed an ice pack. I have this ice machine which is pretty pointless. It draws cold water into a plastic pouch and isn't that cold at all. I don't have any money here. But my parents, being experienced and wise, have brought in See's candy. It's a little dangerous to leave me alone with any chocolate but it's easier these days to resist. Anyhow, I traded a physical therapist ice for chocolates. I thought it was a pretty good deal. She probably would have brought the ice anyhow. Yeah, right.


Anonymous said...

You need bungee cords -- see if your friends or folks can bring two (each about 4-6 feet) when they visit. Use one to hook the walker to your bed (it can lean against the wall a few feet away but handy) and the other for linking the chair to something stable or to your bed. It won't stop the most intent snitchers but the casual ones will get the message.
All best, Cathy

Jim Hopkins said...

Do your doctors have a new ETA for when you might be sent home?

storiesinamerica said...

Janet! I was picturing old men entering your room in the middle of the night to steal your walker...

I hope you're able to go home soon. I'm sure your kitties miss you.

My mom sends her best.

Let me know if you need anything...


Unknown said...

Hi Janet. Just checking in on you and I am glad to see that everything is progressing. I look forward to talking soon. You know what? You were really smart to do a blog. It's a great way to keep connected.
