
Monday, January 29, 2007

Drugs can do a number on you

I haven't spoken with Janet today because I've been in California Superior Court, waiting to see if I'm going to be placed on a jury. I've just now read Janet's latest posts.

I had surgery twice in 2000, and I remember being blue/sad/depressed/anxious in the days that followed. And those were very successful surgeries, with quicker-than-expected recoveries. In one case, I had emergency spinal surgery to correct a disc problem on a Thursday night and was back at work the following Monday.

My point: The pain killers and other medicines I was taking post-surgery did a serious number on my mood, stirring up all sorts of emotions I never expected. I'm confident that Janet will be back to her wise-cracking self very, very soon.

1 comment:

jk said...

Thanks Jim. You're right. I've had to reassure any number of people that I am NOT, in fact, converting