
Saturday, August 15, 2009

update on my manipulation!

Hi folks. . I keep seeing posts on Manipulation Monday so that means people are finding this blog and reading it. I hope it helps.. Let me update you. It's been more than two years since my tkr. I wish I could say things are perfect. Alas, they are not. However, I am happy to report that I have less pain -- much less -- than I did before my knee replacement. I still have this mysterious pain above my kneecap in the front (obviously). . It feels like soft tissue. My doc things it might be scar tissue. But since metal screws up an MRI the only way to know for sure is to open me up. Yeah, it would just be arthroscopy. But there's no just "just" when your knee has been through hell again and again. I worry too much that it would inflame everything again. Still I might do it if it doesn't get better in a few more months. I need to work more on my strengthening AND get in better shape. Much better. . Now, as far as the manipulation went, I will say it worked like a charm. I can still bend it almost all the way. And by all the way I mean, more than most people can bend their knees. You won't catch me sitting on the ground with my legs folded underneath me, or meditating in full lotus. But the manipulation worked and that was really great. Also, I'm updating my contact info so folks can get in touch with me. And maybe with eachother as well! Happy knee. -- Janet


30-something Archaeologist chronicling my recovery from a busted leg. said...

Thank you for the update. I have been struggling with recovery from a broken leg( your blog is a good source of info and empathy. My strength is coming along fine but flexibility is not so good -- about 15 - 115. I can ride a bike but not stand up straight. Apparently manipulations (I've had 3) can help with flexion but not extension. They call me a "fast healer" (=lots of scar tissue). Mixed blessing indeed. Like you I would love to go under the knife again if it would help with extension or flexion, but I am afraid that like a pruned vine I would just grow more scar tissue to make it worse before it could get better. Best wishes to you as you continue to deal with knee issues.

Anonymous said...

I have to let you know how helpful this blog has been to me and how much I can relate to so many others who have gone through what I am about to go through. On December 8, 2009 I had a partial knee replacement which is called ConforMIS--the implants are specially designed for my anatomy and I have two implants, one of which is under the knee cap. Well, the most ROM I have been able to obtain is 77 and that was not an easy 77--a lot of tears and grinding my teeth--ROM as of January 14 was 64. I am scheduled to undergo a knee manipluation on Wednesday, January 20 and have been researching this procedure on the internet. I have a lot of mixed emotions, but I'm optimistic that this procedure will get me back on track. I had a total hip replacement October, 2006 and that was a piece of cake--I have been told over and over by my surgeon and PT that I shouldn't compare the two--apples and oranges. I have learned one thing, no more invasive knee surgeries for me. Thank you again for such a wonderful and helpful site--I know now that I am not the only one who has to go through the manipluation or the way I feel, a failure.

Randy said...

Hey!!!! I go i for a manipulation on 1/25/11. Im stuck at 60 deg. soo much pain. I usually am good with the pain. this past fall in a softball game I broke a finger in 3 places, taped it to another finger and finished the game. THis knee pain is crazy when the PT pushes past 60. Im told that I heal too fast....goody!!thanks for the words